Friday, November 14, 2008
To My Friends in Congo
I think of you often - many times during the day. I read the news reports of all that is going on in Eastern Congo and I am distraught at all that is happening. The suffering is beyond words and it tears at my heart. This is my prayer to God: "O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God!" (Psalm 83:1). I and many others here in the US pray for all of you often, for the displaced people, the children, the sick, the hungry, the raped, the wounded, the dying and all those trying to help. I and many others here fast and pray for a supernatural working of God to bring peace and stability. But most of all we pray to join you in solidarity - we want you know "you are not forgotten, we love you and we think of you often." We want to be with you but can't so instead we do the only thing we can - pray and fast and tell all those we know of how wrong the situation is in Congo. We also tell the people here of how brave and resilient you are and how strong your faith is in the Lord. We tell everyone of the great things that have happened in Congo and how in the midst of such darkness there is tremendous hope. You all are an encouragement to us here in the US and you teach us much. Know that we pray and pray and pray for you all every day and we cannot wait until we are with you once again.
Dear friends, be steadfast in the Lord. My prayer today for you is that you will have an overwhelming sense of God's love for you, that you will rest in the knowledge that you are His beloved, that He embraces you and you feel it. That you know and feel His presence right there by you. May God give you strength and all you need to make it through this tough and difficult time.
I love you all, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power, and may peace come sooner than we expect.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Congo Update: The Latest Turn of Events
Today I heard or rather read on the BBC news online that President Kabila

I fear the situation in Congo will deteriorate and I worry about our friends and the many, many people we have met in Congo and ministered to. I worry that they are not safe and that they endure suffering and evil that is beyond even what we can imagine. The stories I have heard directly from the people themselves are stories that often I cannot share – it would be too much for most people. The depth of evil perpetrated by the rebels and soldiers and even others is really almost beyond belief. If it were not for what I know to be true in Scripture, I would find it hard to believe that a human being can treat another in such ways. But we live in a fallen world and Genesis 3 did happen. I do rejoice however, in the fact that Jesus happened too. Not only did Jesus come to earth and die, He rose from the dead. While the victory is not yet complete, Jesus has overcome death and the victory over evil is sealed. It is just a matter of time for it to be completed. I want to be there cheering when Jesus throws Satan into the pit!
Good News from Congo
Do you remember the prostituted women’s conference (see posts from Aug 6th and Sept 1st)? Well, I have heard that these women (over 40 of them) refuse to stop meeting each week. They are so excited and eager to learn new skills and to be disciple that they continue to meet every week, three times a week. As David Kasali the founder of Congo Initiative said “there is a move of the Spirit that cannot be stopped”. And so, although times are difficult in Congo, God continues to work in ways that are very, very evident and God continues to change peoples’ lives. That is why we cannot give up when we think of Congo. We cannot give up in frustration or exhaustion or think it is more than we can handle. The truth, it is more than we ourselves can do BUT it is not more than what God can do. We must persevere in prayer and beseeching God to act. My same friend David Kasali said to me this week: “It's time to claim back what belongs to our Lord: DRC and its beautiful people who have suffered a lot. When will enough be enough??? So we pray and work and trust. Our Lord is ABLE!!! The Lord will act on behalf of the people he created in his image.” To find out about the work of Congo Initiative visit their website:
As you think of Congo, or as you see or read news reports, would you take the time to say a prayer for the Congolese, the country and the situation?
Jesus himself said:
“Have faith in God. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea”, and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you. So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:22-24
And in James 5:16b we read:
The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.
Friday, September 19, 2008
It costs a high price to have your heart in the DRC Christine

Monday, September 1, 2008
We accept the pain of longing, for it is also joy…
I have always connected with the words of Julian of Norwich a 14th century anchorite. She desired to know more of Christ and became a spiritual advisor to many who came for her wo

This may sound strange but it is true. The joy comes in the praying, the planning and the figuring out how it is going to happen again. Instead of one trip to the Congo next year, let’s plan two – or more. Instead of just waiting for the trip to come around, what can I do in the meantime to support my sisters and brothers in Congo, how does the work continue, what can I do? There is pain in the longing – because it is so hard to be here and not there and I long to be back. And then there is joy in hearing the stories of what is happening since we left.
Discipleship and training:
The women from the prostituted women’s conference that we held last July who became Christians and signed up for skill training have since then been meeting three times a week. They meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for discipleship training, literacy classes and skills training making soap and beads. There are over 40 women who have faithfully done this. Kassie, Mama Dorcus and Decky have been the teachers. Last week, the women had three full days (7AM to 5PM) of teaching and discipleship. These women are serious about changing their lives and living in the ho

Romans 10:11
For the Scripture says. “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.”
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Innocent Ones

There is something so beautiful to me about the children of Africa...actually any child no matter where they are from. The children in Africa LOVE having their photograph taken. Then they LOVE to see their photo on the screen. They gather round you after you have taken the picture and giggle in delight

We arrived first in Uganda on our way to the Democratic Republic of Congo. There we visited African Hearts - a NGO that has a home for former street kids. It is a beautiful ministry and the boys in this home are so loving, gentle and polite. They learn to play in band to raise support for their schooling and needs. There are many boys there - over 50. And Lutaaya the leader is himself a former street child. His heart is so for these street kids that he set up this ministry to get the boys off the streets and raise them in a loving environment. So since we were there we visited African Hearts. There I med Sowedi. I don't know how old he is but I do know he

Street Kids
Kampala, Uganda is said to have over a million street kids. That's a hard hitting statistic and hard to believe but that is what we were told. And when you walk the streets and you see all the kids then it becomes more than just a statistic. On our last Saturday in Uganda after we had returned from Congo on our way back to the US we went in search of the true street kids. Our intent: we wanted to feed the kids. We had seen the kids - they were as young as 2. I can't tell you how many 3, 4, 5, 6 year olds we saw sitting on the streets, begging and crying. Yes, its true that some of these kids have homes and their parents send them out to beg. Yes, it i

Kids in Congo
These kids are the innocent ones too and they are just so cute. Here are some photos of these beautiful child

Just content to play with a bit of paper (left). On the right below - kids playing with balloons.

Some kids have the most amazing smiles!
The smiles are indeed infectious!
This photo shows Jeff playing with the kids. They loved it. All he did was lift them up into the air and they just laughed and laughed and smiled with joy.Above is one of my favorite photos taken at a church in Beni - the church known as the "church of the rubbish" because it is the church where the people who attend are the drug addicts, the prostitutes, the homeless, the unemployed, those people considered the least of the people in the city. It's my favorite church to visit - it's also one of the churches where we are made to feel the most welcomed. During the service, different groups come up to sing songs of welcome - the youth, the ladies, the choir, etc. The youth leader - a very animated character called Moses speaks English and has words of encouragement for us and then leads the youth in song. This year after our visit there we were invited to the house by the side of the church where upon they brought out plates of food - chicken, vegetables, a local pastry, peanuts, and sodas. What a treat. We shared stories, encouraged each other, prayed, laughed and joked and just had fun visiting. The pastor of this church is a man called Peter Amani - this is his prayer request "pray that I will love my people the way Jesus loves them". He is an amazing man - his love for the least of the least is very evident - and they love him.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A beautiful country...

Congo - the DRC - is a very beautiful country. It's raw - in the sense that you don't see tarmac roads, or many houses with electricity, or heated water. But there is a beauty to the land. It is very green. The rain forest is evident and everywhere you look all you see is greenery - at least in the countryside. The above photo shows the view from the cockpit of the plane and the dirt

Smiling Faces
Everyday I would see women walking in the fields on their way to work in the shambas - as the fields are called in Swahili. Whenever they saw that I was taking photos they would smile at me - li

One Voice, One People, One Stand
Our last conference was for rape survivors. At that conference we heard story after story and it was so hard to hear them all. The stories are horrific. The pain is etched into the faces of the women, their eyes are dead and numbed and their bodies tell the stories of their suffering. And many of the women had babies, or were pregnant or had young children - many were the result of their rapes. We wept as we heard the stories, we prayed with the women, we prayed for Christ to heal the pain and take away the shame, we prayed that God would help the women see how precious and beautiful they were and that they would understand their value and that their dignity was not destroyed but that God would reveal to them their original design and help them be the women He wants them to be. At this conference rape survivors became believers, many stepped forward to take the first steps in healing. At the end of the conference, we - I and Steve gave what I considered the most difficult teaching and talk of the whole trip - a talk on forgiveness and what it means to forgive our abusers. We explained the true meaning of forgiveness that Scripture talks about and the need to establish safe boundaries and not offer relational forgiveness unless their is true repentance and a demonstration of change and implementation of changes so that the survivor is not abused all over again. It was a tough talk but the Spirit spoke powerfully. At the end we decided it was late and the conference should end. But the interpreter turned to me and said we can't stop. the women want to come forward and take steps towards forgiving their abusers. I was amazed and speechless. Woman after woman came forward. We prayed for each and every one of them. In my western naivety I was so concerned that we didn't have enough interpretors to translate our prayers. I wanted the women to know what we were praying! The interpretor said to me - it doesn't matter - God knows what you are saying! Silly me...Does Scripture not say that the Spirit intercedes for us and in the same we we were interceding for the women - they did not need to know our words - they just needed us to pray for them, to help them take that first step towards being able to forgive their abusers. What a humbling experience.
At the end of the conference after all this happened the women mentioned about how we needed to be their voice and to tell the world. We told them that they need to stand together, be one voice and tell their country and the world that enough is enough. Sexual violence must stop. We told them we

The people of Congo have much to teach us....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Free to Live
I continue to think of the people in the DRC everyday. I pray for them, go over their stories in my head and simply wish I was there with them. Life operates very differently here

Saturday, August 2, 2008
The patients of CEPIMA

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Stories from Congo
One of my real life heroes...Elige
We visited a mental health clinic and hospital – CEPIMA - that we had visited last year. Since last year this organization has opened up five more clinics including one in Beni where we were based. This organization deals with some of the most severely traumatized survivors of abuse. Often these women and men are so severely traumatized that they are catatonic or severely mentally ill. They literally have gone mad because of the severe and extreme evil they have experienced. We heard of how CEPIMA has helped so many patients. Last year we visited their clinic in Butembo - the only one that existed a year ago. This year we were able to visit their new clinic in Beni which had recently opened.